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Barbagianni Spumante Brut - Giovanni Ederle

Grape varieties and harvesting: Garganega and Chardonnay cultivated with the Guyot method on the top of San Mattia hill. We grow about 5700 plants per hectare on shallow calcareous soil. Production is around 90 quintals per hectare and all the grapes are manually harvested. San Mattia Cuvée is a sparkling wine with a continuous and elegant perlage. It’s very easy to find a winning match with cheese, fish dishes or with vegetarian first courses.

Special Price € 16,00

Availibility: Availibility

Grape varieties and harvesting: Garganega and Chardonnay cultivated with the Guyot method on the top of San Mattia hill. We grow about 5700 plants per hectare on shallow calcareous soil. Production is around 90 quintals per hectare and all the grapes are manually harvested. San Mattia Cuvée is a sparkling wine with a continuous and elegant perlage. It’s very easy to find a winning match with cheese, fish dishes or with vegetarian first courses.
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